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Music To Get Shit-Faced To!

by Steve Newton

...You know that cool rock noise that occurs when a skilled guitarist with a loud amp runs a pick sideways along the neck of his instrument?.  Well, Royal Grand Prix guitarist Rocky Romoli creates that lovely racket most effectively on "Well Oiled Machine", the first tune on the band's 'High Performance'.  That choice snippet of raunch-rock dynamics is inserted directly after an Ace Frehley-type solo, and sets the stage for 15 tracks that blend the vocal banter of the Beastie Boys, the machine-gun rhythms of the Ramones, and the catchy melodies of Urge Overkill.  Lyrically, the group makes rowdy fun of everyone from Doukhobors to cover bands to foulmouthed girlfriends to squeegee people...

The Georgia Straight

One the best live acts on the West Coast

by Denise Sheppard

...There's no denying it, this band is obsessed.  The RGP are four boys made up of two things - gasoline and testosterone.  Pierce them and are they not flammable?  Oh yeah, baby.  Chords coming from their amps that sound like engine revs, song tiles like "Well Oiled Machines", "Full Service" and their live classic "Squeegee Boy" make their intentions crystal  clear.  But enough about their hot rod fixation: the bigger question is does the music hold up?  Hell, yeah!  High Performance is track after track of stomp-along punk rock fun...

Exclaim! Magazine

There's no posing here, just heavy, riff-oriented rock

by William Peyton

...These B.C. boys like their punk thick, crunchy and a little bit silly (see "Scabies," "Damned Cover Band" and "Squeegee Boy" for starters). There's no posing here, just heavy, riff-oriented rock that manages to combine punk's nasty edge with a sort of metallic rockabilly and enough hooks to catch a carp. A perfect party disc....

Canada Campus Magazine

News > Top Story
2007-06-06 17:34:10
DRIVING TIPS: The Roundabout
If any of you mental midgets are stumped by this please get the hell off my roads! I don't know about you but I just wish people had some common f*@!ing sense.

I live in Vancouver, the city with the worst drivers in the world second only to Los Angeles (where Darwin's evolutionary theory seems to be most apparent). At the end of my quiet lil' street, where junkies shoot up in the park and hookers work on the corners, is a traffic flow device... a.k.a. the roundabout. The roundabout is not just a pretty place to plant flowers... it actually serves a purpose. When used effectively, it keeps traffic moving by doing away with a stop sign. Seems pretty straight forward to me... and I didn't even finish grade 8. When you approach this "roundabout" quite simply you must go to the right... EVEN IF YOU WANT TO TURN LEFT, JACKASS!!!!!!!

What is it with people! I'm driving west down my street, Billy Bob Nobrain is driving south, meeting me at the intersection. He wants to turn left but we are now face to face 'cause this pinhead doesn't want to go around the roundabout... there's a standoff while I shoo him away like an annoying insect. He looks at me like, "Why don't you back up... why should I?" Well, Billy Bob, you should back up because you're not quite evolved enough to be behind the wheel of a car... as they say in Scotland... FECKIN EEEDGIT!!!!

For all you morons with licenses to drive on my roads, here's a little scenario for you to ponder. If there is a pile of garbage in the middle of the road do you drive safely around to the right or do you enter the oncoming traffic, endangering the lives of others, quite probably more intelligent than yourself? Simple really, isn't it... If any of you mental midgets are stumped by this please get the hell off my roads!

by Rosie Romoli
